The Practice Test for Typing and Data Entry

License Number Data Entry Practice

Every professional and most businesses in any country require at least one type of license number. They could be surety bonds, social security numbers, NINo numbers, tax numbers or just general licenses. The primary purpose of this data entry test is to help you practice entering alphanumeric data in the form of license numbers.

This data entry test will give you 7 random license numbers per screen. Click ‘start test’ to begin. At the end of each screen you can select to end the test or go on to the next screen. You can also select to highlight fields with errors by clicking the ‘show errors’ box.

Instructions for Form-Based Data Entry Test

Start the data-entry test by pressing the 'start' button below the form. A prompt will be displayed with the information to be entered into the form.

If 'show errors' is checked the incorrect (and incomplete) fields will be highlighted. You may fix errors as you go, or correct them at the end to improve your accuracy score.

When the form is complete you an select another record or to end the test. We recommend that you see how many forms you can complete in 5-10 mintues as the best test preparation.

Accuracy: NaN%

Show Errors