Touch Typing Lesson 27: # and = Keys
This typing lesson will teach you how to touch type with the # [pound or number sign] and = [equal] keys. If you already know the keyboard, try our our technical jargon drills or symbol drills for more relevant practice exercises.
- Begin with your fingers on the home row.
- The '#' key is shift-3, it is two rows above the 'D' key (use your left middle finger), stretch up while holding the shift key down to hit it.
- The '=' key is two rows above the '[' and ']' keys (use your right pinky finger), stretch up to hit it.
- Once you learn where these keys are, try to type them without looking at your fingers. Scroll down if needed to type the following:
- When you feel confident you can type these keys without looking, go on to the next lesson.
Sample Data Entry Test Prompt
ddd ded d3d d3d 333 d3# d3# d#d #d# 3#3 #3# d#d d3d d3# d#d ;;; ;[; ;=; ;=; === =;= ;=; =;= ;;; #55 = #91 = #87 = #74 = #93 = #10 = #80 = #22 = #85 = #47 = #80 = #71 = #87 = #18 = #35 = #51 = #99 = #98 = #24 = #48 = #29 = #51 = #81 = #96 = #48 = #59 = #78 = #49 = #52 = #76 = #65 = #28 = #97 = #45 = #97 = #36 = #49Load Test