VIN Number Data Entry Test

The VIN data entry test will focus on advanced alphanumeric data entry. Even if you already have solid keyboarding skills and are used to typing numbers on a daily basis this test will give your typing skills a workout with these intense 17-character VIN numbers made up of letters and numbers.

This intense alphanumeric typing practice is for the most challenging part of the CritiCall test – the VIN number – 17 characters long with a mixture of letters and numbers. This is for the most advanced alphanumeric data entry practice.

A free test containing alphanumeric data entry tasks – the main purpose of this test is to successfully complete it with the minimum typing errors and taking the shortest amount of time possible for each set of data. HINT: Set the caps lock on for this test.

Sample Data Entry Test Prompt

12ZUTZ842T730088 3LBCZ2X18YD01183 3FXGJM0Y9S895904 3P33LV3S26J56257 12TWFK8S1DG92325 JGA11UBC6L906735 JTTCE4RF03554108 KAGS64FE02E78379 SLVSL3VC72273577 SLVPKSS30A063043 4LBMA6702WM20349 2M5TX99X07G71902

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Letter Drills

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z