Touch Typing Lesson 20: Learn to Type Numbers 9 & 2

Practice typing numbers row and boost your numbers speed with this touch typing lesson that teaches the numbers 2 and 9. If you already know the keyboard, try our our data entry drills or number drills for more relevant practice exercises.


qwerty keyboard with numbers 2 and 9 highlighted

Sample Data Entry Test Prompt

lll lol lo9 999 sss sws sw2 222 92 292 222 9929 9299 9929 9 panthers; 29 fowls; 999 kittens; 9922 nightingales; 92.99 fish; 2 cubs; 22 sparrows; 992 bees; 2929 pandas; 99.99 monkeys; 2 gorillas; 99 falconses; 292 ducklings; 2922 caribous; 92.99 frogs; 9 dragonflies; 29 pelicans; 222 pheasants; 9922 jaguars; 29.92 geldings;

Load Test

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Letter Drills

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z