Dvorak Lesson 09: Learn to Type F & Y Keys
This typing lesson will teach you how to touch type with the F and Y keys on a Dvorak keyboard. Both capital and lower-case letters are included in this lesson. To type a capital, hit shift at the same time as you hit the letter.
- Begin with your fingers on the home row.
- The ‘F’ key is above the ‘D’ key, reach up and to the left with your right index finger. (see keys highlighted below)
- The ‘Y’ key is above the ‘I’ key reach up and to the right with your left index finger. (see keys highlighted below)
- Once you learn where these keys are, try to type them without looking at your fingers. To make a capital letter, press the shift key with the pinky finger of your other hand at the same time as you press the letter key. Scroll down if needed to type the following:
- When you feel confident you can type these keys without looking, go on to the next lesson.
Sample Data Entry Test Prompt
hhh hdh hfh fhf fff uuu uiu uyu yuy yyy yfy fyf fan fan fan fan fat fat fat fat if if if if fee fee fee fee of of of of for for for for yes yes yes yes say say say say cry cry cry cry toy toy toy toy you you you you ily ily ily ily Was she here with a gymnast An finished fawn has a freedom What if those chiefs fill some technology Is that a fatal hallway Is he frayed or motherly Tony Nguyen said I am a cloudy daisy Do these insignificant youth miss yawning We flashed it Where is Gregory CaseyLoad Test