Dvorak Lesson 07: Learn to Type M & W Keys

This typing lesson will teach you how to touch type with the M and W keys on a Dvorak keyboard. Both capital and lower-case letters are included in this lesson. To type a capital, hit shift at the same time as you hit the letter.


dvorak keyboard with letters M and W highlighted

Sample Data Entry Test Prompt

hhh hmh mhm mmm ttt twt wtw www wmw mwm am am am am ame ame ame eme eme eme ime ime ime ume ume ume eem eem eem ome ome ome we we we we were were were were was was was was will will will will won won won won Was she here with a waitress An awesome moth has a mat Did those mothers renew smart multimedia It is that a mammoth omlet Is he whole or emotional Norman Roman said I am a sweet whale Do these raw lemons miss it We missed it Where is Thomas Ward

Load Test

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Letter Drills

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z