Letter X - Typing Exercises for Adults

Keyboard practice for the letter X to help you practice your touch typing skills. Practice typing your weak keys so that you can confidently type every character quickly and accurately.

If you would like something a little easier, try our our typing lessons to learn the full keyboard, or lesson 13 to review just the letter 'x'.

Sample Data Entry Test Prompt

xax xbx xcx xdx xex xfx xgx xhx xix xjx xkx xlx xmx xnx xox xpx xqx xrx xsx xtx xux xvx xwx xxx xyx xzx - XP, rix, abox, remex, exitus, she-fox, Astyanax, hemiataxy, oophorauxe, consolatrix, index-linked, inexpressible, exauthorizeexc, nonexactingness - Quixotic Xochitl Lacroix externally exploring because the extroverted epoxy existed Roxane Breaux. Roxanne Wilcox and Maxwell Comeaux fixed a expensive appendix with mixed expression and excellent exile.

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Letter Drills

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