Letter V - Keyboard Typing Exercises

Computer typing practice for the letter V to help you practice your touch typing skills. Practice typing your weak keys so that you can confidently type every character quickly and accurately.

If you would like something a little easier, try our our typing lessons to learn the full keyboard, or lesson 11 to review just the letter 'v'.

Sample Data Entry Test Prompt

vav vbv vcv vdv vev vfv vgv vhv viv vjv vkv vlv vmv vnv vov vpv vrv vsv vtv vuv vvv vwv vxv vyv vzv - V., VTS, Viet, verey, Violet, vinelet, videndum, vesiculus, visitorial, vexillaries, verticillate, vegeterianism, vaccinationist, vesiculotubular - Virtuous Veola Velasco vivaciously valuing because the venerated vanity vomit Valda Vargas. Velvet Vinson and Vernon Vigil vied a valid vast with vigorous voice and violent viscose.

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