Letter F - Keyboard Typing Drills

Typing practice for adults for the letter F to help you practice your touch typing skills. Practice typing your weak keys so that you can confidently type every character quickly and accurately.

If you would like something a little easier, try our our typing lessons to learn the full keyboard, or lesson 5 to review just the letter 'f'.

Sample Data Entry Test Prompt

faf fbf fcf fdf fef fff fgf fhf fif fjf fkf flf fmf fnf fof fpf fqf frf fsf ftf fuf fvf fwf fxf fyf fzf - FO, FBA, fids, Flood, flavin, forheed, flenches, fiberizer, tuffaceous, feudalizing, formulations, frontoethmoid, foreordinating, ferrimagnetically - Fancy Fausto Jeffrey financially floats because the foolish fireplace flop Frederica Frazier. Tiffaney Ratcliff and Faye Freund floating a funny fahrenheit with fitting feed and fixed floor.

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Letter Drills

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