Touch Typing Lesson 1: Learn to Type D & E Keys

This typing lesson will teach you how to touch type with the D and E keys. Both capital and lower-case letters are included in this lesson. To type a capital, hit shift at the same time as you hit the letter. If you already know the keyboard, try our our alphabet drills or misspelled words drills for more relevant practice exercises.


Sample Data Entry Test Prompt

ddd ddd dDd ddd ded ddd eee eEe eee ede eee DeeDee deed Dede deed Dee deed Ed deed Dee ddd ddd dDd ddd ded ddd eee eEe eee ede eee DeeDee deed Deedee deed Ed deed Dee deed Dede ddd ddd dDd ddd ded ddd eee eEe eee ede eee DeeDee

Load Test

Related Links:

Letter Drills

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Learn to Type with 10 Fingers

Learn how to touch type with 10 fingers. If you want to improve your typing speed and accuracy then this site is for you. We have the best free typing lessons available and it will only take about an hour to learn all the keys on your keyboard.

Our free typing lessons are short in duration (and long in results), designed to introduce you to the keyboard quickly and painlessly. In most of our online typing lessons you'll master the keyboard and learn how to type by practicing your skills with words, sentences, and paragraphs. Typing on a computer can provide you with an enormous advantage over your friends and co-workers who remain stuck using the hunt-and-peck method! Our free typing lessons allow beginning typists to jump start their careers and improve their lives.

There are many reasons to learn touch typing. Whether you just need to touch type quickly or want to learn it for fun, this site can show you how. Touch typing is a popular way of typing because it’s faster than hunt-and-peck. The keys of a keyboard can be a bit confusing, but in no time you’ll be touch typing with 10 fingers. In the lessons included here we assume that you have basic knowledge in computers, and that you’re not using a numeric pad.