VIN Number Data Entry Test

The VIN data entry test will focus on advanced alphanumeric data entry. Even if you already have solid keyboarding skills and are used to typing numbers on a daily basis this test will give your typing skills a workout with these intense 17-character VIN numbers made up of letters and numbers.

This intense alphanumeric typing practice is for the most challenging part of the CritiCall test – the VIN number – 17 characters long with a mixture of letters and numbers. This is for the most advanced alphanumeric data entry practice.

A free test containing alphanumeric data entry tasks – the main purpose of this test is to successfully complete it with the minimum typing errors and taking the shortest amount of time possible for each set of data. HINT: Set the caps lock on for this test.

Sample Data Entry Test Prompt

W25P4J8T6X504067 13A4F86P3XE89177 WMGYAWCJX8E35262 WPA0X9G76F189050 SBNY25DX43B50559 3VBA6ZWZ0DV90428 KVR004TMXMA02587 4AV3DR4G75A60584 J2Y9391L86J20003 WLGS2P5A3B547317 3C7LUP5X0GC01182 2V6JV2SY93721584

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Letter Drills

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z